Sunday, December 2, 2012

Chiropractic Check-ups

We all know that regular servicing of cars helps to ensure trouble free motoring and can save a lot of money in repair bills. We should also have the same attitude to our bodies however few people do. The difference between our cars and our bodies is that our cars cannot repair themselves. Cut yourself, tear a muscle, break a bone and the body’s self-repair mechanisms go in
to action. Strain your back, your neck or any of your other joints and again the body takes action to sort out the problem as best it can.

But note the words “AS BEST IT CAN”.

In many cases when we strain ourselves in accidents, falls or when lifting, the body cannot totally sort itself out so instead it adapts itself to the strain and in doing so minimises the effects of that strain. This results in the pain diminishing and, in some cases, disappearing altogether.
Because of this many people, after injuring themselves, don’t bother to seek help. Instead they wait to see if the pain will go away on it’s own, and quite often it does. This, however, does not mean that the problem has been resolved, only that it has now been masked.

The proverbial straw that sometimes breaks the camel’s back, and brings people undone, can be as simple as bending down to pick something up or sleeping in a strange bed with a different to normal thickness of pillow. It is not the single action of bending over per se but the cumulative action of repeated bending that causes issues.

Regular Chiropractic check-ups 4 times a year will not guarantee that you won’t hurt yourself if something fairly traumatic occurs but it will ensure that you won’t get acute consequences to minor events. If you have regular check-ups and then have a major trauma it will also be much easier to treat and you will recover much quicker.

Quite often when you pick up your car after a service you notice immediately how much better it is running. Because the deterioration can be slow we just don’t notice it until it’s serviced……’s the same with our bodies. Patients often comment on how much better they are moving after a check-up and how much better they feel in themselves.

Most of us get into a routine of regular dental check-ups so why not establish a similar routine of regular musculoskeletal check-ups? This should also include children.
Children’s bodies are definitely more resilient than adults’ ones but they are also traumatised a lot more and over time it takes its toll. Chiropractors are often told by patients that they can remember having back pain, or neck pain or headaches right back into their childhood and in most cases they did not have any treatment when the problem started.

Sydney Wide Chiropractic helps you and your family whenever you need it, and recommends regular check-ups to help you keep fit and pain-free as well as to identify any issues that might cause problems in the future.

Please call the Chiropractor at Sydney Allied Health Clinic on(02)95598877  or visit our clinic at
Shop 3, 384 Illawarra rd Marrickville for more information.
Chiropractic Check-ups

We all know that regular servicing of cars helps to ensure trouble free motoring and can save a lot of money in repair bills. We should also have the same attitude to our bodies however few people do. The difference between our cars and our bodies is that our cars cannot repair themselves. Cut yourself, tear a muscle, break a bone and the body’s self-repair mechanisms go in
to action. Strain your back, your neck or any of your other joints and again the body takes action to sort out the problem as best it can.

But note the words “AS BEST IT CAN”.

In many cases when we strain ourselves in accidents, falls or when lifting, the body cannot totally sort itself out so instead it adapts itself to the strain and in doing so minimises the effects of that strain. This results in the pain diminishing and, in some cases, disappearing altogether.
Because of this many people, after injuring themselves, don’t bother to seek help. Instead they wait to see if the pain will go away on it’s own, and quite often it does. This, however, does not mean that the problem has been resolved, only that it has now been masked.

The proverbial straw that sometimes breaks the camel’s back, and brings people undone, can be as simple as bending down to pick something up or sleeping in a strange bed with a different to normal thickness of pillow. It is not the single action of bending over per se but the cumulative action of repeated bending that causes issues.

Regular Chiropractic check-ups 4 times a year will not guarantee that you won’t hurt yourself if something fairly traumatic occurs but it will ensure that you won’t get acute consequences to minor events. If you have regular check-ups and then have a major trauma it will also be much easier to treat and you will recover much quicker.

Quite often when you pick up your car after a service you notice immediately how much better it is running. Because the deterioration can be slow we just don’t notice it until it’s serviced……’s the same with our bodies. Patients often comment on how much better they are moving after a check-up and how much better they feel in themselves.

Most of us get into a routine of regular dental check-ups so why not establish a similar routine of regular musculoskeletal check-ups? This should also include children.
Children’s bodies are definitely more resilient than adults’ ones but they are also traumatised a lot more and over time it takes its toll. Chiropractors are often told by patients that they can remember having back pain, or neck pain or headaches right back into their childhood and in most cases they did not have any treatment when the problem started.

Sydney Wide Chiropractic helps you and your family whenever you need it, and recommends regular check-ups to help you keep fit and pain-free as well as to identify any issues that might cause problems in the future.

Please call your Chiropractor at Sydney Allied Health Clinic on(02)95598877 or visit our clinic at
Shop 3, 384 Illawarra rd Marrickville for more information.